The “Heróis PME” initiative is a distinction that is aimed to award small and medium-sized Enterprizes (pme) with successful stories.
The “Heróis PME” initiative is a distinction that is aimed to award small and médium-sized enterprizes (PME) with successful stories, which in its fourth edition features the company FORteams LAB (…). This is to say that the process of choosing the finalist companies will be done through voting until April 03, taking place to the “Heróis PME” website. ( The organization is by Yunit Consulting, and this fourth edition has already been marked by the fact it is the most popular ever. Among the various candidates, the 61 best success stories were selected, including Forteams Lab, managed by Pedro Santos , from Vizela, … The “Heróis PME” concept focuses on the capacity for innovation and persistence of Portuguese PME that overcome adversity and follow the path of prosperity , generating wealth and employment, in Portugal and abroad.